Dear Alan, Alejandro, James, Ivan, Man Hong, Saikat, Ville, Zach (and anyone else interested in Quantum Computation that I might have forgotten):

This Friday October 2nd, we will have the pleasure of a visit from Zach Dutton and Saikat Guha from BBN. The purpose of this meeting is to share ideas between BBN and the Aspuru-Guzik group about quantum computation, simulation, walks and more. We will have informal discussions and talks through out the day.

The schedule for the day is the following:

 9:30am      Zach Dutton and Saikat Guha arrive to Mallinckrodt 116 (lobby area).
10:00am    Cesar's Talk - Quantum Stochastic Walks (Mallinckrodt 102 - Division Room)
10:45am    Saikat Guha's Talk (TBA) (Mallinckrodt 102 - Division Room)
11:15am    Discussion (Mallinckrodt 102 - Division Room)
12:00pm    Lunch Break
 1:00pm      Ville's Talk - TBA (Mallinckrodt 102 - Division Room)
 1:30pm      Ivan's Talk - Quantum Simulation  (Mallinckrodt 102 - Division Room)
 2:00pm      Wrap up (Mallinckrodt 102 - Division Room)

If there are any questions, you can call my cellphone, 617-710-4231.

See you all (that are into QC) there.



Cesar A. Rodriguez-Rosario, Postdoctoral Fellow
Harvard University
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Box#34
12 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA