Dear group,
James Whitfield is up for tomorrow's group meeting at 5PM. Also for tomorrow, (those of you interested):

10/30/07 Special CNS-NNIN/C Seminar: "Landau-Zenar crossings in quantum computing systems," presented by Dr. Sahel Ashhab, RIKEN-Japan
Pierce Hall 307, 2:30 pm

See you all around,

On 10/22/07, Alan Aspuru-Guzik < > wrote:
Dear all,

We decided to change the Aspuru-Guzik group meeting because I give a
talk tomorrow at the Center for Ultracold atoms (all of you are invited)

Title: Quantum algorithm for the simulation of chemical reactions on a
quantum computer.

Location: Jefferson 356, Harvard


Alán Aspuru-Guzik
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
12 Oxford Street
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138

Tel: (617)384-8188
Group URL:

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