Dear group members,

Here is a set of interesting Teragrid tutorials on high-performance computing.

Alán Aspuru-Guzik | Associate Professor
Harvard University | Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
12 Oxford Street, Room M113 | Cambridge, MA 02138
(617)-384-8188 | |

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Date: Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 9:31 AM
Subject: Online Tutorials Available to TeraGrid Users

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Categories: Training and Conferences, NCSA
Learn about High Performance Computing and using the TeraGrid for free, at your own pace, at anytime, and from anywhere!

A number of online tutorials are available to TeraGrid users on NCSA''s web-based training environment "CI-Tutor": The courses currently offered are:

* Access Grid Tutorials
* BigSim: Simulating PetaFLOPS Supercomputers
* Debugging Serial and Parallel Codes
* Getting Started on the TeraGrid
* Intermediate MPI
* Introduction to MPI
* Introduction to Multi-core Performance
* Introduction to OpenMP
* Introduction to Performance Tools
* Introduction to Visualization
* Multilevel Parallel Programming
* Parallel Computing Explained
* Parallel Numerical Libraries
* Performance Tuning for Clusters
* Tuning Applications for High Performance Networks

''Introduction to MPI'' was the first course offered in 2000 and to-date over 20,000 students have enrolled in it. This course was developed by collaboration among five institutions -– Ohio Supercomputer Center, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Boston University, the University of Kentucky, and the University of New Mexico. It includes thirteen lessons on key topics to give students a comprehensive understanding of MPI. A self-test and programming exercise is included in each lesson to help students self-evaluate their grasp of the material. The programming exercises build on each other as new materials are introduced in each lesson.

If you are new to the TeraGrid, it is highly recommended that you take the tutorial ''Getting Started with the TeraGrid.'' This tutorial provides you with the general information you need to quickly get started using the TeraGrid. Topics covered include:

* connecting and logging in to a TeraGrid resource
* maintaining security
* using login shells in a Unix-like environment
* managing your account
* working with TeraGrid files and file systems
* transferring files
* customizing your software environment
* compiling and running jobs

''Introduction to Performance Tools'' was the latest course released. It gives an overview of four commonly used performance tools -Strace, Gprof, Perfsuite, and TAU so you can choose and use the  most appropriate one(s) for your analysis.

These tutorials are open to everyone but do require creation of a user account. Once you create an account, you may enroll in multiple tutorials using the same account.


Posted on 01-APR-2011 09:27 US Pacific Time by Sandie Kappes

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