can we send the e-ticket of Riken to Toshi?
Alán Aspuru-Guzik | Assistant Professor
Harvard University | Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
12 Oxford Street, Room M113 | Cambridge, MA 02138
(617)-384-8188 | http://aspuru.chem.harvard.edu

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Toshiaki IITAKA <tiitaka@riken.jp>
Date: Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 7:19 PM
Subject: Access to RIKEN
To: Mike Clark <mikec@bu.edu>
Cc: Lincoln Greenhill <greenhill@cfa.harvard.edu>, Alan Aspuru-Guzik <aspuru@chemistry.harvard.edu>, Michael Stopa <stopa@deas.harvard.edu>, Won-Ki Jeong <wkjeong@seas.harvard.edu>, Mark Watson <mark@seas.harvard.edu>, Kenta Hongo <kenta_hongo@mac.com>, OHATA tomoko <t-ohata@riken.jp>, "Anna B. Shin" <anna@chemistry.harvard.edu>

Hi All,

Here are the links

Access to RIKEN:

Hotel  (Mark and Kenta will stay in Guest House in Riken Campus not the Hotel.)

Easiest route is to use direct Bus from Narita to Wako.
Hotel is 5min from the Bus stop.

Alan, Mike Stopa, Mark, and Kenta: Please send me (cc:Ms Ohata) your e-ticket.



Dr. Toshiaki IITAKA,  Computational Astrophysics Lab, RIKEN
FAX +81-48-467-4078 or naisen3880
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, 351-0198 JAPAN
My URL: http://www.iitaka.org/   Institute URL: http://www.riken.jp/