
We will have a group party next Friday 27 April at ~5/6pm (exact time TBD in follow-up email next week).  Location is here (exact space also TBD).

First, this is a way to offer farewell wishes to Alex and Sangwoo (and Sigi -- yay another do-over!).  We will miss or have missed you!  Did I forget somebody? 

Second, we have quite a few newbies and not so newbie folks who've recently joined and have yet to experience an A-G party that isn't an Open House recruiting gig with slides and such.  Newbies: you know who you are -- most Siberians et al; plus our rotators Leon, Adrian, and gosh darn it somebody else, right??; plus our beloved College undergrads who suck up our time but are just so darn cute (just kidding...about the cute part - hehe). 

Third, this is a group-only plus spouse/significant other/partner and offspring if any event.  If you're a lucky bachelor or bachelorette, you can bring a friend but I don't want to see or hear about any non-group-related person wanting to come and squat at our party.    Yeah, that's right.  I said it.  Insects are unwelcome pests.

Lastly, I need a headcount (this time an accurate headcount) for the catering order, and it must be placed by Monday.  Figure out the heads you're bringing and email  That's, A-S-P-U-R-U[dot]

More later,

Anna B. Shin
Laboratory Administrator | Aspuru-Guzik Research Group
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology | Harvard University
12 Oxford Street | Cambridge, MA 02138
617.496.9964 office | 617.694.9879 cell | 617.496.9411 fax