EVERBODY in the group should send this form. Please do it today,

Alán Aspuru-Guzik

Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science | Vector Institute
Canada 150 Research Chair in Quantum Chemistry | CIFAR Senior Fellow
University of Toronto | 80 St George St | Toronto, ON M5S 3H6, Canada
http://matter.toronto.edu Twitter @A_Aspuru_Guzik aspuru@utoronto.ca

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 9:29 AM Mukesh Dodain <mukesh.dodain@utoronto.ca> wrote:

SaneAttachments has copied these files to Dropbox



Dropbox/SaneBox/Mukesh Dodain/_Aspuru-Guzik Group List_ NSERC - HQP con_, 2019-01-26 06.34.32 PM/


As you may know, I am assisting Alan with his NSERC application, where we are required to provide details of highly qualified professional (HQP) of his group. Could you please provide your consent by signing the attached form and send it to me at your earliest.

Best regards,




Mukesh Dodain

Research Group Coordinator

Alán Aspuru-Guzik Research Group

University of Toronto

80 St. George Street | Toronto, ON | M5S 3H6

mukesh.dodain@utoronto.ca; aspuru.admin@utoronto.ca



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