Dear all,
Please see the advertisement for teaching fellows for Rick Heller's course. It may be of interest and Rick is a terrific instructor. I encourage you all to consider it. Let me and Felix know if you apply for the job

Alán Aspuru-Guzik | Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology | Harvard University 
12 Oxford Street, Room M113 | Cambridge, MA 02138
(617)-384-8188 |

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lavin, Joe <>
Date: Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 9:52 AM
Subject: Science of Physical Universe 13 - TFs needed
To: "Aspuru-Guzik, Alan" <>

Hi Alan,


Here's the Heller course that still needs TFs He's looking to fill two sections, so it could be either quarter- or half-time. He writes that " they need to be musically or acoustically at least somewhat inclined." If you could check with your group, that would be great.







Science of Physical Universe 13

Why You Hear What You Hear: The Science of Music and Sound

Mon, Wed 2:30-4:00

Sound and music are integral parts of all human cultures, and play critical roles in communications and social interactions. In this course, we study the production, transmission, and perception of sound, with the aim of expanding communication, musical, and artistic horizons. The course includes many class demos and hands on tools for students to explore. Psychoacoustics (the study of how we perceive and interpret sound) is a central theme of the course, providing a lens through which we can better understand the generation, propagation, and analysis of sound. Student-selected projects (with staff consultation) are an important part of the course.




Joe Lavin
Associate Director of Academic Affairs
Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University

12 Oxford Street - Mallinckrodt 133A, Cambridge, MA  02138
(617) 496-3209,