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From: Lesley Keaney <lkeaney@mit.edu>
Date: Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 8:26 AM
Subject: [CMT Seminar] Reminder: CMT seminar-Tuesday, September 12 @ 12:00pm
To: cmt_seminar <cmt_seminar@mit.edu>, chezpierre <chezpierre@mit.edu>


Hello everyone,


Please join us at 12:00pm today on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 for a Condensed Matter Physics Seminar with Xueda Wen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


The seminar will be held in the Duboc room 4-331


Please see the details of Xueda’s talk below.


Title: Entanglement hamiltonian evolution during thermalization in conformal field theory


Abstract: I will introduce how the entanglement hamiltonian and entanglement spectrum evolve in time during thermalization in a conformal field theory after a quantum quench.

Based on conformal mappings, the exact form of entanglement hamiltonian and entanglement spectrum can be obtained  at arbitrary time. I will also introduce how the flows generated

by entanglement hamiltonian in Minkowski spacetime provide us information on entanglement propagation and thermalization in a subsystem.



Date: Tuesday,September 12, 2017

Time:  12:00pm

Room: Duboc Room 4-331

Host: Itamar Kimchi



Thank you,



Lesley Keaney

Administrative Assistant

Condensed Matter Theory Group

MIT Department of Physics

Room 6C-339

Cambridge, MA 02139

617.253.4878 (phone); 617.253.2562 (fax)


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