Hi all,

Tim will give the group meeting presentation tomorrow. His title and abstract can be found below. The Toronto side will meet in SS571 at 2:30pm. If you would like to join the meeting via Skype, please send me you information. 




Title: Automated discovery and steps towards implementation of 4-local couplers for superconducting qubits 

Abstract: Interactions of more than two bodies simultaneously rarely appear in nature. Even in dense systems, forces usually act pairwise. However, n­-local terms with n>3 frequently arise when mapping physical or mathematical problems to an Ising spin Hamiltonian. Superconducting flux qubits have emerged as a promising, versatile platform to simulate such spin systems and find their ground state, but the implementation of n-local superconducting qubit couplers has so far proven elusive. We have developed automated discovery software that intelligently searches the design space of superconducting circuits to fulfill desired spectral properties. After benchmarking the versatile software tool on well-known circuits, we have applied it to the design of 4-local couplers and found candidate circuits achieving up to several hundred MHz of coupling strength. In a second step, we have gained intuition for such couplers by invoking the physics of basic superconducting circuit building blocks. In this way, we were able to further tailor the circuit design towards a chip layout for experimental verification of the coupler properties. For future work, we propose experimental tests with successively larger numbers of qubits