Ok, the cake is a last minute thing and the 5:30pm meeting was not on Alan's calendar.  So Alan said to move Andy Marcus to 6:30 or 6pm.  We will have cake after yours and Ryan's 4:30pm meeting with Alan.

Group, 5:30pm is still on.

Anna B. Shin
Laboratory Administrator | Aspuru-Guzik Research Group
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology | Harvard University
12 Oxford Street | Cambridge, MA 02138
617.496.9964 office | 617.694.9879 cell | 617.496.9411 fax

On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 12:52 PM, Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz <aperdomo@post.harvard.edu> wrote:
We (Alan, Dmitrij and myself) might have a meeting with Andy Marcus at 5:30pm.

On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Anna B. Shin <abs.ccb@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Group,

Please stop by the kitchenette at 5:30pm today for a piece of gluten-rich or gluten-free cake in honor of Alejandro and Jacob K who are taking the next step in their careers!


Anna B. Shin
Laboratory Administrator | Aspuru-Guzik Research Group
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology | Harvard University
12 Oxford Street | Cambridge, MA 02138
617.496.9964 office | 617.694.9879 cell | 617.496.9411 fax

Aspuru-list mailing list

Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz
Ph.D. Chemical Physics.
Harvard University
12 Oxford St #482, Cambridge, MA, 02138.