

The 20th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2017)

                                                       Seattle, Washington, USA

                                                           January 16-20, 2017



The international annual Quantum Information Processing (QIP) series is the premier meeting for theoretical quantum information research. Since 1998, the conference has featured breakthroughs by the leaders in the disciplines of computing, cryptography, information theory, mathematics and physics. The scientific objective of the series is to gather the theoretical quantum information community to present and discuss the latest groundbreaking work in the field.

QIP 2017 is the twentieth international conference on theoretical aspects of quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum information in a series that started in Aarhus in 1998, and was last held in 2016 in Banff.

Hosted by the QuArC <https://www.stationq.com/quarc-group/> group at Microsoft Research in Redmond Washington and the University of Washington, QIP 2017 will feature a tutorial program, plenary talks, contributed talks, and a poster session.

Important dates:

·Submission of talks deadline: September 27

·Submission of posters deadline: October 25

·Notifications: November 8

·Tutorials: January 14 – 15 at the Westin Downtown Seattle <https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/events/start.action?id=1606227091&key=16708A64>

·Conference: January 16 – 20 at the Westin Downtown Seattle <https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/events/start.action?id=1606227091&key=16708A64>

We invite contributions, both talks and posters, on outstanding recent research in the area of the theory of quantum information and computation.  There will be a QIP Best Student Paper prize awarded. This year, QIP will feature parallel tracks on each day of the conference, allowing more talks and research to be showcased. Submission is via EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=qip2017.  For more details on submission, registration, and attending QIP 2017, visit https://www.stationq.com/qip-2017/.

Program committee:

Andris Ambainis (U of Latvia, Chair)

Itai Arad (National U of Singapore and Technion, Israel)

Salman Beigi (IPM, Tehran)

Nicolas Brunner (U Geneva)

Andre Chailloux (INRIA)

Toby Cubitt (University College London)

Runyao Duan (UTS, Sydney)

David Gosset (IBM)

Michal Horodecki (U of Gdansk)

Stacey Jeffery (Caltech)

Robin Kothari (MIT)

Anthony Leverrier (INRIA)

Maris Ozols (Cambridge)

Marco Piani (U of Strathclyde)

Stefano Pironio (U Libre Bruxelles)

David Poulin (U de Sherbrooke)

Matthew Pusey (Perimeter Institute)

Robert Raussendorf (U of British Columbia)

Jeremie Roland (U Libre Bruxelles)

Pranab Sen (TIFR, Mumbai)

Graeme Smith (JILA and U of Colorado, Boulder)

Fang Song (Portland State U)

Rolando Somma (LANL)

Kristan Temme (IBM)

Mark M. Wilde (Louisiana State U)

Xiaodi Wu (U of Oregon)

Jon Yard (U of Waterloo and Perimeter Institute)

Organizing committee:

Krysta Svore (Microsoft Research, Chair)

Michael Beverland (Microsoft Research)

Alex Bocharov (Microsoft Research)

Yuri Gurevich (Microsoft Research)

Matt Hastings (Microsoft Research)

Vadym Kliuchnikov (Microsoft Research)

Jasmin Krout (Microsoft Research)

Matt Mostad (Microsoft Research)

Martin Roetteler (Microsoft Research)

Matthias Troyer (ETH Zurich, Microsoft Research)

Nathan Wiebe (Microsoft Research)

Steering Committee:

Fernando Brandão (Caltech)

Andrew Childs (Maryland)

Andrew Doherty (USYD)

Ashley Montanaro (Bristol)

Ben Reichardt (USC)

Renato Renner (ETH Zurich)

Barry Sanders (U Calgary)

Krysta Svore (Microsoft Research, Chair)

Barbara Terhal (TU Delft)