From Alan. 

On Aug 25, 2014, at 8:08 PM, Alan Aspuru-Guzik <> wrote:

Dear all,

I already noticed some tensions about moving offices. We are all adults. Let's get this moving along.

We will need help from everybody in this situation. Let´s set up some ground rules:

a) Let's form a team of volunteers to help out others with all things moving. I propose that all graduate students and postdocs lend a hand to each other. For example, Siberia and the front office have some "common" things such as a printer, that other group members could help them with. We are a team. Otherwise, the members of that office should be responsible of helping move the materials such as printers in the given office. Please coordinate with each other. Who says I'm in?

b) If you are traveling or away, ask your "buddies" (nicely!) for help. Eg. For example, Gian, who is away, could try to convince Salvatore with some expressos to help him move his stuff to the new office? Do not assume others will be helping you randomly.

c) Use the #moving channel in to ask for help. Many of you have not joined and therefore these types of interactions still can't happen. It is great to avoid tons of email and many group members that have discovered that It is easy for me to look at it have already started using it.

Thank you all! This is to benefit you all. There has been tons of work by many of us to make sure you have the best spaces possible. The least you can do is help us out in the move.


Alán Aspuru-Guzik | Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University | 12 Oxford Street, Room M113 | Cambridge, MA 02138
(617)-384-8188 | |