reminder: group meeting today at 11.  Yu-Xiang will tell us about quantum simulation.

On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 1:45 PM Aram Harrow <> wrote:
Wed at 1pm we will have a remote talk from Ken Brown about our STAQ collaboration.  This will be a broad overview of work on quantum algorithms and architectures.

The Thursday physics colloquium (4pm, 10-250) should interest some of us.  It is "Quantum Simulation of Abelian and non-Abelian Gauge Theories" by Uwe-Jens Wiese.

Fri at 11am we will have Yi-Xiang Liu from the Cappellaro group speaking at the group meeting about q simulation.  Below are her title & abstract.

Title: High-fidelity Trotter expansions for digital quantum simulation

Quantum simulation promises to address many challenges in fields ranging from quantum chemistry to material science and high-energy physics, and could be implemented in noisy intermediate scale quantum devices. A challenge in building good digital quantum simulators is the fidelity of the engineered dynamics given a finite set of elementary operations. The goal of this work is to find a proper ordering of elementary operations (Trotter expansion), so that they approximate as well as possible the desired evolution.  However, when the quantum system is large, even calculating one elementary operation is computationally expensive. In this talk I will introduce a geometric framework for optimizing the order of operations without considering the details of the operations themselves, thus achieving computational efficiency. Based on the geometric framework, I will present two alternative orderings. One has optimal fidelity at a short time scale, and the other one is robust at a long time scale. Thanks to the improved fidelity at different time scales, the two different orderings can form the basis for experimental-constrained digital quantum simulation.