When: Friday 27 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Where: Mallinckrodt 217
What: Jarrod is giving group meeting:

"Title: Beyond Trotter and Some Quantum Linear Algebra

Abstract:  I will talk about a new method James and I are working on for removing the necessity of Trotter factorization when simulating the evolution of sums of non-commuting Hamiltonians.  The method will be outlined, and some counting arguments will be given for a sample system.  Also, I will talk about a new method for ground state preparation John, Sergio, Kenji and I are developing for a quantum computer using some old linear algebra techniques coupled with some new quantum tricks."

Joel Yuen-Zhou
PhD candidate in Chemical Physics
Harvard University CCB,
12 Oxford St. Mailbox 107, 
Cambridge, MA, USA.