Dear EFRC project team and project-related group members:

We need to submit our EFRC annual progress report to MIT by next Mon 11 April.  The annual report is for the period 8/1/10 - 7/31/11.  Obviously, the year isn't over but MIT needs everything early to compile into one report for DOE.

I will need from you items 1-6 and 9 below, if applicable.  I'll take care of the rest.


Anna B. Shin
Laboratory Administrator | Aspuru-Guzik Research Group
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology | Harvard University
12 Oxford Street | Cambridge, MA 02138
617.496.9964 office | 617.694.9879 cell | 617.496.9411 fax

DOE-BES is requesting the following data for the period of Aug 1, 2010 – Jul 31, 2011:  


1.      One paragraph with accompanying figure describing your favorite research result this year

2.      Publications in peer-reviewed journals. For papers with multiple sponsors in the acknowledgement, if the credit does not describe what each sponsor supported, please add this information after the publication list in your report. 

3.      Publications in conference proceedings and extended abstracts

4.      Inventions/Patent Applications

5.      Invited presentations which acknowledge DOE-BES EFRC support.

6.      Activities such as summer schools and symposia, which are directly connected to the EFRC.  

7.      Briefly describe developments in infrastructure (e.g., equipment >$50k, facilities brought on line).  Include actual cost and a list of who provided the funds if not all the money was from the EFRC grant.

8.      An updated list of other support (current and pending, federal and non-federal) for senior investigators supported by the Center.  For each, indicate how the scope of work is distinct from that of the DOE-supported project.  This could be brief – one or two sentences.

9.      Anything else you think might be relevant