Perhaps poker?


James D Whitfield
Aspuru-Guzik Group
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University

tel: 301-520-7847

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 2:44 PM, Leslie Vogt <> wrote:
Hi Cohen and Aspuru groups,

Since we share lounge space and an intrinsic level of nerdiness, there has been a suggestion that we find some time to hang out together. 

There is some interest in having a board game night twice a month in the lounge space. If this doesn't sound like your idea of fun times, you have obviously not played the myriad of games (mostly from Germany) that involve skill, strategy, and subterfuge.  These games (Settlers of Catan, Power Grid, Puerto Rico, etc.) usually take an hour or two, depending on the number of players, so initial proposals are for Thursday evening, Friday dinnertime or some time on Sundays.

If you are interested, let me know if you have a preferred time.



Leslie Vogt
Aspuru-Guzik Group
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University

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