This looks like cool paper of our friends at MIT: Perhaps of interests to the excitonics fans in the group!



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Utilizing redox-chemistry to elucidate the nature of exciton transitions in supramolecular dye nanotubes

via Nature Chemistry by D. A. Vanden Bout on 7/1/12

Utilizing redox-chemistry to elucidate the nature of exciton transitions in supramolecular dye nanotubes

Nature Chemistry. doi:10.1038/nchem.1380

Authors: D. M. Eisele, C. W. Cone, E. A. Bloemsma, S. M. Vlaming, C. G. F. van der Kwaak, R. J. Silbey, M. G. Bawendi, J. Knoester, J. P. Rabe & D. A. Vanden Bout

The collective excited states (excitons) in supramolecular light-harvesting systems depend intimately on their structure and it is crucial to understand how these states interact. Now it is shown that simple redox chemistry can be used to address this fundamental question by simplifying the complex excitonic interactions in such multichromophoric systems.


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