Hi Friends,
Dan Nocera is hosting Justin Hodgkiss today (http://www.victoria.ac.nz/scps/about/staff/publications-justinhodgkiss). His talk is going to be at 4pm, location TBD.

This is Dan Nocera's message about him:
"I have Justin Hodgkiss visiting today. He had a string of papers with Richard Friend on exciton splitting in organic PVs. He is perhaps the most influential young person in the area now (at the measurement, applied physics level). At Victoria in New Zealand he has continued work, observing singlet fission in organic PVs. I will probably have him present his work today. Is there a time most convenient for your groups? I am doing this ad hoc – so it is flexible. Also, is you would like to have him talk to you or your groups (or some sub-section) tell me and I will put a schedule together that accommodates your request."

This is very last-minute. His research is applicable to excitonics, spectroscopy, and materials subgroups.

Please reply ASAP if you plan to attend :). Nocera asked for an estimate for how many group members we would have. We'll also be meeting with him at the theory couches, as a group, right after the seminar.

Cheers, Nicolas