Hi All
Sigifredo Sanchez-Carrera from the Brédas Group at Georgia Tech is coming to visit on Friday. He will be giving a Presentation of his work on Friday at 4 PM (expect Abstract soon). His interests include organic molecular crystals and its properties as well as solid-state chemistry principles. More can be found on his webpage (http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~rs353/)
I am planning to schedule ~30 mins. one-on-one meetings with some of you. Of direct relevance are those interested in the screensaver project (Leslie, Ivan, Prof. Ju, Masoud). Please let me know which times are available for you, so I can start setting up his schedule ASAP.
Let me know who else is interested, so I can include you.
Best regards

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alan Aspuru-Guzik <alan@aspuru.com>
Date: 2008/1/30
Subject: Re: Visita a Boston
To: Sigifredo Sanchez-Carrera <gtg166n@mail.gatech.edu>, Roberto Olivares-Amaya <robolivares@gmail.com>


Roberto es tu anfitrion para el viernes. Roberto va a organizarte un
horario y tu platica seria a ls 4 PM. Coordina con el si esa es buena
hora para ya solidificarla. Nos vemos muy pronto.


PS. Roberto, el cel de Sigifredo es:  404 421 2365
Sigifredo: el cel de Roberto es: 6172028038


Alan Aspuru-Guzik
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
12 Oxford Street
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138

Tel: (617)384-8188
Group URL: http://aspuru.chem.harvard.edu