Shruti Puri  (Yale)
QIP Seminar @ MIT, 30-Nov-2018
1:30PM, 6C-402

Title: Quantum Error Correction with Biased Noise Cat-Qubits


Many physical systems exhibit error channels that are strongly biased, that is, one type of error
dominates the channel. Naively, in this case error correction becomes much easier and more
hardware efficient. However, maintaining the bias while performing gates which do not
commute with the dominant error is not possible with two-dimensional systems. In this talk, I
will demonstrate a way to circumvent this using the non-trivial topology of a continuous family
of Schrödinger cat-state qubits. These bosonic qubits can be experimentally realized in a
driven non-linear (Kerr) oscillator and exhibit a phase-flip rate that is exponentially suppressed
relative to the bit-flip rate. The phase of the drive provides a continuous parameter that permits
topologically-protected realization of CNOT gates in a bias-preserving manner. I will present all
the bias-preserving operations possible with these cat qubits and discuss how these can lead
to efficient quantum error correction codes.