Thank you all for submitting your pictures.

We've selected 5 to forward to the website developer.

Now, here comes the fun part.  We need you all to write (in three sentences or less) a brief description of our group and the research we do.  The winner gets a free lunch.

Please do so by 2:00 pm TODAY!

Here's an example:

The Aspuru-Guzik Group is a theoretical physical chemistry group. Our research focuses on the connections between quantum computation and quantum information; theoretical studies of energy and charge transfer in photosynthetic complexes; methods development for electronic structure theory; and development of the Clean Energy Project.

Remember, forward to me by 2:00 pm. 



Marlon G. Cummings
Lab Manager, Aspuru-Guzik Group
Mallinckrodt M112
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University
12 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
617-496-9411 (fax)

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Marlon Cummings <> wrote:
> Dear friends:
> Thanks for submitting your pictures to Taka!
> Although we have received some really fantastic photos, we still think
> better can be submitted.  Please note, these will be uploaded to the new and
> improved CCB website -- its all about bragging rights!
> Attached, are a few sample shots that caught our attention.  Come one
> people, lets do this!
> Deadline is midnight - or else, Taka will find you.
> Have a good night.
> Marlon.
> --------------------------
> Marlon G. Cummings
> Lab Manager, Aspuru-Guzik Group
> Mallinckrodt M112
> Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
> Harvard University
> 12 Oxford Street
> Cambridge, MA 02138
> 617-496-9964
> 617-496-9411 (fax)