Anna B. Shin
Laboratory Administrator | Aspuru-Guzik Research Group
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology | Harvard University
12 Oxford Street | Cambridge, MA 02138
617.496.9964 office | 617.694.9879 cell | 617.496.9411 fax

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bodo Stern <>
Date: Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 11:24 AM
Subject: No driving and texting/emailing in Massachusetts: Safe Drivers Act - Chapter 155 of the Acts of 2010
To: Sysbio Members <>

Dear all,

a quick reminder that the new cell phone ban went into effect as of midnight last night. The key points are:

1) No one under the age of 18 can use a cell phone in a vehicle at all (calling, texting, etc.).

2) No one can text (sending or receiving/reading) while driving (you can pull off the road), nor can you text when you're at a stop sign or stop light.

3) No one can use a cell phone to check emails, navigate using a cell phone's GPS (unless the phone is mounted), search the internet, etc.
