Hi Alan,

I would be interested, too.


2018-04-18 19:57 GMT-04:00 Loïc Roch <loic.m.roch@gmail.com>:
Hi Alan,

I would be interested in having dinner with Marshall Brennan.


On Wed, Apr 18, 2018, 7:46 PM Alan Aspuru-Guzik <alan@aspuru.com> wrote:
Group members,

If you are interested in having dinner with Marshall Brennan who runs the ChemrXiV, just reply to this email ASAP. The first 3 that do so will get to meet him for dinner tomorrow. He and you can follow up.

I will be out of town so I will miss it, but I hope you all have fun. He is the leader of open access in chemistry in the world, IMHO. Copying him!

Alán Aspuru-Guzik | Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University | 12 Oxford Street, Room M138 | Cambridge, MA 02138
(617)-384-8188 | http://aspuru.chem.harvard.edu | http://about.me/aspuru
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