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Center for the Environment
Dear Friends of HUCE,

Welcome to the Spring 2009 semester! Hope your first week of classes is going well. Certainly take advantage of the many exciting events scheduled for the next two weeks. Check the HUCE calendar on our website,, for the most up-to-date listings and complete event descriptions. Please send event information to Lisa Matthews at the Center for the Environment: Feel free to distribute this email to your students, faculty, colleagues, and anyone else who may be interested in environmental events around the community.


Tomorrow, January 30: Google's Green Energy Czar Bill Weihl talks about Google's green energy initiative and discusses ways that all institutions (businesses, governments, universities, etc.) and individuals can make sustainable energy choices.

February 3: The Future of Energy is here! Steven Leer, Chairman and CEO of Arch Coal, presents "The Vital Role of Clean Coal in Securing our Energy Future." Arch Coal is the nation's second largest coal producer.

February 12: Harvard's Janet Browne, Aramont Professor of the History of Science, will explore Charles Darwin’s cultural significance and what he has come to represent over time: the idea of scientific progress.

Calendar Listings:

Thursday 1/29/2009
4:00p - 5:00p Climate Seminar
(Haller Hall, 24 Oxford St., Harvard Campus, Cambridge, MA)
"Arctic sea-ice change and potential societal impacts from the large-scale to the local level: A perspective from Alaska." Hajo Eicken from the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska.
Contact: Shuting Jin ,, 617-384-9005,

OEB Seminar Series
(Bio Labs Lecture Hall, 16 Divinity Ave, Harvard Campus, Cambridge)
"The challenge of diversity presents a diversity of challenges: new research directions in computational biology." Allen Rodrigo, the Bioinformatics Institute, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Contact: Katie Parodi,, (617) 495-5891 ,

6:00p - 7:00p
Microbial Sciences Initiative Thursday Evening Seminar Series
(HUCE Seminar Room, 24 Oxford St., 3rd Floor, Cambridge, MA)
"How Bacteria Breathe Rust: New Insights into the Molecular Mechanism of Bacterial Metal Respiration." Thomas DiChristina, School of Biology, Georgia Tech.
Contact: Runal Mehta,, (617) 495 8643 ,

HMNH: Nature and the Written Word: A Roundtable on Natural History Writing
(Harvard Center for the Humanities, 12 Quincy St., Cambridge)
How can writers best engage and inspire public concern for wildlife, nature, and conservation? Join us for a round table discussion with four of New England'ss most prominent natural historians.
Contact:, 617-495-3045,

Friday 1/30/2009

11:00a - 12:00p
Harvard Forest Special Three Part Series on Soil Warming
(Seminar Room at Shaler Hall, Harvard Forest, 324 North Main Street, Petersham, MA)
3) Jerry Melillo, The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory. "The Heat Is On; carbon/nitrogen interactions, feedbacks to the climate system and more."
Contact: Audry Barker Plotkin,, 978-724-3302 x 268,

Clean Energy at Google
(Fong Auditorium, Boylston Hall, Harvard Campus, Cambridge, MA )
Bill Weihl, Green Energy Czar, Google.
The RE<C ("renewable electricity cheaper than coal") initiative at Google is funding innovation aimed at driving the cost of renewable electricity generation below that of coal-powered electricity with the goal of making renewable energy the economically sensible choice for everyone.
Contact: Lisa Matthews,, 617-495-8883

4:00p - 5:00p HBS Energy Club Presents Howard Berke
(Aldrich 211, Harvard Business Scool, Boston, MA)
Howard Berke has nearly 30 years of hands-on management experience launching, building and leading both public and private technology companies.
Contact: Paul Laszlo,

Saturday 1/31/2009

9:30a - 1:00p
Climate Leadership Workshop
(First Parish Church, 3 Church St., Cambridge)
As scientific research reveals increasingly alarming climate changes, how do we effectively communicate the enormity of the problem and involve more people in taking action?

Monday 2/2/2009

Harvard Energy Journal Club
(HUCE Seminar room, 24 Oxford St. 3rd floor, Cambridge, MA)
Visit the Energy Journal website for current topics of discussion.
Contact: Mark Winkler,,

EPS Spring Colloquium
(Haller Hall, 24 Oxford St., Harvard Campus, Cambridge, MA)
"Slip Sliding Away? Investigating Greenland Meltwater Routing and Ice Sheet Response." Sarah Das, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Contact: Ganna Savostyanova,
Tuesday 2/3/2009

Herbaria Seminar Series
(Sherman Fairchild Lecture Hall, Room 102, 7 Divinity Ave, Cambridge, MA)
"A morphometric analysis of water transport in seed plants." Jonathan Wilson, Knoll Lab.
Contact: Margaret Richards,, (617) 496-8062

5:00p The Future of Energy
(Science Center C, 1 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA)
"The Vital Role of Clean Coal in Securing our Energy Future." Steven Leer, Chairman and CEO of Arch Coal, Inc. St. Louis-based Arch Coal is the nation's second largest coal producer.
Contact: Lisa Matthews,, 617-495-8883

6:00p HBS: Second Annual Cleantech and Alternative Energy Panel
(Aldrich 112, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA)
"What does the Future hold?" Cleantech and alternative energy are getting a lot of attention, but what are the opportunities? Who are the companies out there making a difference?

Wednesday 2/4/2009

4:00p - 5:30p
Seminar in Environmental Economics and Policy
(Littaur-382, Harvard Kennedy School, 79 JFK St., Cambridge, MA)
"An Empirical Dynamic Model of OPEC and Non-OPEC." Cynthia Lin, University of California, Davis.
Contact: Jason Chapman,, 617-496-8054

8:00p Environmental Action Committee Meeting
(Spindell Room, Quincy House, 58 Plympton St., Cambridge, MA)
Everyone interested in learning about the EAC and/or learning how to help make a difference for the environment is welcome.
Contact: Caitlin Rotman,

Thursday 2/5/2009
4:00p OEB Seminar Series
(Bio Labs Lecture Hall, 16 Divinity Ave, Harvard Campus, Cambridge)
"Exploring the genetic basis of mimicry and speciation in Heliconius butterflies." Marcus Kronforst, FAS Center for Systems Biology.
Contact: Katie Parodi,, (617) 495-5891 ,

6:00p - 8:00p Climate Change: Policy Change and Complex Systems
(MIT Sloan, E51-376, Tang Center, 70 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA)
Speaker: Dr. John Sterman, the Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management and Director of the System Dynamics Group at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Friday 2/6/2009

8:30a - 9:30a
Microbial Sciences Friday Chalktalk
(HUCE Seminar Room, 24 Oxford St., 3rd Floor, Cambridge, MA)
"Structurally diverse dsRNA viruses." Max Nibert (Virology), Harvard Medical School- Dept of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics. Host: Roberto Kolter.
Contact: Runal Mehta,, (617) 495 8643 ,

11:00a - 12:00p Harvard Forest Seminar Series
(Seminar Room at Shaler Hall, Harvard Forest, 324 North Main Street, Petersham, MA)
Patrick Bourgeron, Plymouth State University. Title TBA.
Contact: Audry Barker Plotkin,, 978-724-3302 x 268,

Solid Earth Physics Seminar Series
(Pierce Hall, Room 209, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA)
"Fluid Mechanics of Sea Ice and Ice Shelves." Grae Worster, Institute of Theoretical Geophysics, and Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK.

Saturday 2/7/2009

8:00a - 5:00p Changing Landscapes: 2009 Real Estate Symposium at HBS
(Harvard Business School, Allston, MA)
Keynote Speaker: Nori Gerardo Lietz, recently named the second most important figure in global real estate behind Sam Zell.

Monday 2/9/2009

Harvard Energy Journal Club
(HUCE Seminar room, 24 Oxford St. 3rd floor, Cambridge, MA)
Visit the Energy Journal website for current topics of discussion.
Contact: Mark Winkler,,

Tuesday 2/10/2009
12:00p - 1:00p Herbaria Seminar Series
(Sherman Fairchild Lecture Hall, Room 102, 7 Divinity Ave, Cambridge, MA)
"Why are there so many herbivorous insects in tropical forests?" George Weiblen, University of Minnesota.
Contact: Margaret Richards,, (617) 496-8062

3:00p - 4:00p ClimaTea Lecture/Journal Club
(Geological Museum, Room 418, 24 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA)
Visit the Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics website for current speakers and topics of discussion.
Contact: Kate Dennis,, 617-384-8398,

4:15p MIT Energy Initiative Seminar Series
(MIT Building 66, Room 110, Cambridge, MA)
"Recent advances, new trends, and future challenges within the Li-ion battery energy storage system." Jean-Marie Tarascon, Professor, Université de Picardie Jules Verne.

6:00p - 7:00p Solar Energy Startups: the Israeli Perspective
(Aldrich 207, Harvard Business Scool, Boston, MA)
A presentation by Dr. Ory Zik, co-founder and CEO of HelioFocus, a company developing and commercializing modular, highly-efficient solar thermal solutions.
Contact:, 617-457-8732

Wednesday 2/11/2009
3:30p Radcliffe Institute Fellows' Presentation Series
(Radcliffe Gymnasium, 10 Garden St., Radcliffe Yard, Cambridge, MA)
"The Evolutionary Mechanics of Movement and Communication in the Sea." Sheila Patek, Radcliffe Institute Fellow, assistant professor in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of California at Berkeley.
Contact: (617) 495-8212,

6:00p - 7:30p MIT Energy Club Lecture Series
(MIT, Building E51, Room 335, Cambridge, MA)
"America's Energy Future panel discussion." Mike Morris, CEO, American Electric Power, with Former New York Governor, George Pataki and President of Ceres, Mindy Lubber.

Environmental Action Committee Meeting
(Spindell Room, Quincy House, 58 Plympton St., Cambridge, MA)
Everyone interested in learning about the EAC and/or learning how to help make a difference for the environment is welcome.
Contact: Caitlin Rotman,

Thursday 2/12/2009
5:00p - 6:15p God and Global Warming: Scientists' and Evangelicals' Common Voice
(Sperry Room, Andover Hall, Harvard Divinity School, 45 Francis Ave, Cambridge, MA)
Join Eric Chivian and Richard Cizik as they tell the story of their discovery that scientists and evangelical leaders shared a profound reverence for life on Earth and a deep sense of
responsibility about working together to protect it.
Contact: Meg Thomsen,, 617-384-8533 ,

Harvard Museum of Natural History: Evolution Matters
(Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA)
"Darwin at 200: Rethinking the Revolution." Janet Browne, Aramont Professor of the History of Science, Harvard.
Contact:, 617-495-3045,

6:00p - 7:30p
MIT Energy Club Lecture Series
(MIT, Building 4, Room 163, Cambridge, MA) "Integrating Electric Vehicles Into New England's Grid and Electricity Markets." Panelists will discuss integrating electric vehicles into New England's grid and electricity marke...
Contact: John Kluza, ,

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