ITAMP Topical Lunch Discussion

Date: Thursday, March 10th
Time: 12:00-1:30 pm
Pizza will be served.

Location: B-106 @ Center for Astrophysics (60 Garden Street)
Directions: after entering the lobby of the CfA, turn right to enter the hallway of the B building. In the hallway, turn right again, and B-106 is there.

Speaker: Heqiu Li and Samuel Markson (both ITAMP)

Title (Hequi Li): Finding spin squeezing in superradiant systems

Abstract: Spin squeezed states are useful in quantum metrology. The Dicke model is shown to possess spin squeezed states and exhibits superradiant behaviour. But the original Dicke model is valid only when the system size is much smaller than wavelength. Can we find spin squeezing in a more realistic superradiant system in its steady state taking account of the dipole-dipole interaction? Our work suggests that the answer is yes.

Title (Samuel Markson): Singlet-triplet electron scattering admixture due to fine- and hyper-fine interactions in Cs Rydberg molecules

Abstract: In ultracold Cs Rydberg molecules, a singlet/triplet admixture comes about due to both spin-orbit (SO) coupling in the Rydberg atom as well as the hyperfine (HF) coupling in the ground state atom. In Cs, the Rydberg SO and ground HF interactions are on par.  The interaction between the Rydberg electron and the ground state atom includes both s-wave and p-wave scattering components which can cause additional mixing of electronic Rydberg states in the bound molecules. We apply the formalism to Rydberg excitations in Cs into p and d states.

Dr. Igor Pikovski
Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (ITAMP)
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St, MS-14; Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Tel.: +1 (617) 496-7613