Dear colleague,

The TQC conference is going into its 12th year and will be held in Paris, France during June 14th to 16th, 2017. Please consider the call for papers below and circulate among your colleagues and students.

Best wishes,

   Mark M. Wilde (program committee chair)
   Damian Markham (local organizing committee chair)


                             CALL FOR PAPERS

        The 12th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation,
                     Communication, and Cryptography
                          ---- TQC 2017 ----

            Paris Centre for Quantum Computing
               Université Pierre et Marie Curie
                            Paris, France
                           June 14-16, 2017

This is the twelfth in a series of conferences that aims to bring together the leading researchers in the areas of quantum computation, quantum communication and quantum cryptography. TQC covers all theoretical aspects of quantum information.

Areas of interest include, but are not restricted to:

    * quantum algorithms
    * models of quantum computation
    * quantum complexity theory
    * simulation of quantum systems
    * quantum cryptography
    * quantum communication
    * quantum information theory
    * quantum estimation and measurement
    * intersection of quantum information and condensed-matter theory
    * quantum coding theory
    * fault-tolerant quantum computing
    * entanglement theory

Important dates:

    * Paper/Talk/Early-Poster submission deadline:  March 10, 2017
    * Decision notification:  April 14, 2017
    * Final manuscript deadline:  April 28, 2017
    * Late-Poster submission deadline:  May 8, 2017
    * Conference:  June 14-16, 2017

Two tracks: Conference(talk + proceedings) and Workshop(talk only). As the goal of TQC is to bring together researchers on all aspects of quantum information, submissions are solicited for two tracks:

   * Conference(talk + proceedings): Submissions to this track must be original
    papers that have not previously appeared in published form. Accepted papers
    will be presented orally at the conference and will appear in the conference
    proceedings. The proceedings will be published by the OpenAccess LIPIcs
    (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics).

   * Workshop(talk only): We solicit submissions for talk-only papers; accepted
    submissions will be presented orally at the conference but will not appear
    in the proceedings. This track allows authors to publish their work elsewhere
    and accepts already published material.

Programme committee:

    * Dominic Berry (Macquarie University)
    * Mario Berta (Caltech)
    * Sergey Bravyi (IBM)
    * Michael Bremner (Univ. Technology Sydney)
    * Roger Colbeck (Univ. York)
    * Nilanjana Datta (Univ. Cambridge)
    * David Elkouss (TU Delft)
    * Omar Fawzi (ENS de Lyon)
    * Markus Grassl (Max Planck Erlangen)
    * David Gross (Univ. Freiburg)
    * Rahul Jain (National Univ. Singapore)
    * Zhengfeng Ji (Univ. Technology Sydney)
    * Stephen Jordan (Univ. Maryland / NIST)
    * Shelby Kimmel (Univ. Maryland / NIST)
    * Vadym Kliuchnikov (Microsoft)
    * Francois Le Gall (Kyoto Univ.)
    * Troy Lee (National Univ. Singapore)
    * Yeong-Cherng Liang (National Cheng Kung Univ.)
    * Yi-Kai Liu (NIST / Univ. Maryland)
    * Hoi-Kwong Lo (Univ. Toronto)
    * Laura Mančinska (Univ. Bristol)
    * Prabha Mandayam (IIT Madras)
    * Tomoyuki Morimae (Gunma Univ.)
    * Tobias Osborne (Univ. Hannover)
    * Lidia del Rio (ETH Zuerich)
    * Neil J. Ross (Univ. Maryland / NIST)
    * Pradeep Sarvepalli (IIT Madras)
    * Valerio Scarani (National Univ. Singapore)
    * Ujjwal Sen (Harish-Chandra Research Inst.)
    * Yaoyun Shi (Univ. Michigan)
    * Barbara Terhal (RWTH Aachen Univ.)
    * Dave Touchette (Univ. Waterloo / Perimeter Inst.)
    * John Watrous (Univ. Waterloo)
    * James Whitfield (Dartmouth College)
    * Mark M. Wilde (Louisiana State Univ.) (PC Chair)
    * Man-Hong Yung (South Univ. Science & Tech. China)

Local organizing committee (UPMC, Paris Centre for Quantum Computing):

    * Damian Markham - chair
    * Eleni Diamanti - co-chair
    * Elham Kashefi - co-chair
    * André Chailloux
    * Tom Douce
    * Frédéric Grosshans
    * Marc Kaplan
    * Iordanis Kerenidis
    * Anthony Leverrier
    * and the entire Quantum Information group at the UPMC

Steering committee:

    * Anne Broadbent (U Ottawa)
    * Wim van Dam (UCSB)
    * Aram Harrow (MIT)
    * Yasuhito Kawano (NTT, Tokyo)
    * Michele Mosca (IQC, Waterloo and Perimeter Institute)
    * Martin Roetteler (Microsoft Research)
    * Simone Severini (UCL)
    * Vlatko Vedral (Oxford and CQT, Singapore)

For further information, please see