Hi all,

Libor Veis has been visiting for the last two months from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Tomorrow he'll give our first post-Trump group meeting - see below for the title and abstract.




Title: Quantum chemical density matrix renormalization group (DMRG), its extensions and possible help in quantum simulation

Abstract: In the first part, I will briefly review the basic concepts of the quantum chemical DMRG and present our recent work in this direction, namely the local orbital optimization method and the dynamical correlation extensions employing the tailored coupled cluster (CC) method. In the second part, I would like to talk about possible use of DMRG in quantum algorithms for chemistry, in particular the variational quantum eigenvalue solver with unitary CC expansion. I will show that generalized version of this method using the matrix product state (MPS) initial guess states could be a suitable method for complex multireference systems.