When: Friday, July 29 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Where: Mallinckrodt 217
What: Sule is up for group meeting:

Title: "Modeling organic molecular semiconductors"
Abstract: "Some conjugated organic molecules are semiconductors and
can be used as the active materials in transistors, diodes, solar
cells.. etc They are usually characterized with their mobility, on/off
ratio and lifetime. We model charge transport in molecular
semiconductors using Marcus electron transfer theory. In particular, I
will talk about two important parameters, transfer integrals and
reorganization energy, to theoretically characterize a few molecular
crystals. We also demonstrate that based on this basic methodology
theory can help finding new organic semiconductor materials  "

Joel Yuen-Zhou
PhD candidate in Chemical Physics
Harvard University CCB,
12 Oxford St. Mailbox 107, 
Cambridge, MA, USA.