As you can see below, on Wednesday there'll be dinner with Prof. Eli Barkai (http://faculty.biu.ac.il/~barkaie/) after the Theoretical Chemistry Seminar at MIT. This time he won't be visiting Harvard since he is here for MRS.
Are two people interested in having dinner with him on Wednesday after the talk? Please let me know so I can tell the people hosting him.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eric Zimanyi <ezimanyi@mit.edu>
Date: Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:50 PM
Subject: Dinner with Prof. Eli Barkai
To: theochem-admin-list@bu.edu

Hi all,

After Eli Barkai's theoretical chemistry talk on Wednesday, we're planning
on having a group of students take him out to dinner somewhere in the area
to get a chance to talk with him. Are there a couple of students from each
school that would be interested in coming to this? We'll leave right after
the talk.



Roberto Olivares-Amaya
Aspuru-Guzik Group
Dept. of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University