I need a volunteer to present here. Please reply ASAP.

Alán Aspuru-Guzik | Associate Professor
Harvard University | Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
12 Oxford Street, Room M113 | Cambridge, MA 02138
(617)-384-8188 | http://aspuru.chem.harvard.edu | http://about.me/aspuru

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dylan <darias@mit.edu>
Date: Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 5:32 PM
Subject: EFRC 1 Coherent Dynamics of Excitons meeting
To: efrc-1@mit.edu

Hi all,


As Group One of the EFRC we’re supposed to have meetings once a month to discuss topics relevant to our group, Coherent Dynamics of Excitons.  I’ll be acting as organizer for our meetings.  The first one is tentatively scheduled for next Monday July 25 230-4pm.  One of the things we’ll do at that meeting is find a good time for most people for future meetings.  Also, we can discuss the format for future meetings.


For the first meeting, we’re planning for three students/post-docs to give ~20minute presentations about either a specific research topic they’re working on or a review of recent literature as an update on the cutting-edge in a particular field.  Patrick Wen from the Nelson group is going to give one on 2D spectroscopy and many-body interactions in exciton-polariton systems, so we need two more people; please let me know ASAP who they will be and their topic so that I can tell everyone what the topics will be for next week.


Once people are chosen and have a presentation ready, please send it to me so I can put them all together for the meeting.  In addition, could the PIs who cannot attend next week send me some times that would work for you so we can take that into account while planning future meetings.  Also, everyone please make sure to join Group 1 on the excitonics blog website.  Just go to the “Groups” page, ours is the top one on the page.  In the future, the slides from the meetings will be posted there as well as reminders about future groups.  It can also serve as a convenient place for discussion related to the group.


Finally, please let me know if there is anybody that should be added to the e-mail list.


Thanks, see you soon.

Dylan Arias

Keith Nelson group