Dear Group,

Thank you to those who have kept me updated with their travel plans.  I've been adding them to the Group Travel Calendar.  As noted, this is not only a resource for Alan, but can be a useful reference for the group/us as well.  We are almost at full capacity (26)!

As the winter break approaches, please remember to send the date ranges of when you'll be away from the lab.  I'll add the details to the calendar.


Anna B. Shin
Laboratory Administrator | Aspuru-Guzik Research Group
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology | Harvard University
12 Oxford Street | Cambridge, MA 02138
617.496.9964 office | 617.694.9879 cell | 617.496.9411 fax

On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 9:49 PM, Anna B. Shin <> wrote:
Dear Group,

I just shared a calendar called "A-G Group Travel Calendar".  When you're not in the office for a period of time, please let me know and I will add this to the calendar.  It can be a good resource for everyone.  If anyone is looking for you, they can see when you are out and when you'll be returning.

Please note: this is a private calendar, not another public group calendar.  I will put trips, such as the SERS Program Review meetings on the group travel calendar, not the public one anymore.


Anna B. Shin
Laboratory Administrator | Aspuru-Guzik Research Group
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology | Harvard University
12 Oxford Street | Cambridge, MA 02138
617.496.9964 office | 617.694.9879 cell | 617.496.9411 fax