Hi all, 

On Monday January 23 and Tuesday January 24, we will be hosting two visitors from the Army Research Laboratory, William Mattson and Brian Barnes. 

The main objective of their visit is to talk with everyone that is working on screening and machine learning, but they appear to also have interests in excitonics. Additionally, I think that they have some experience in large scale electronic structure calculations and William appears to have done a molecular dynamics study of detonation(!) in the 1990s. 

I found Brian's website and William's researchgate page if you'd like to learn more about them.



Since they are going to be here for two days, there are plenty of times to meet with them and it'd be nice to not have everyone do one hour meetings. 

If you'd like to meet with them, please fill out this doodle poll with the times you are available. Please email me if you would like to have longer than a 30 minute meeting. 


Finally, send me an email if you would like to have either lunch (Monday or Tuesday) or dinner (Monday) with them.

