I have to go to a meeting.  The crew is in here removing the counter.  Thanks to Sule for help.  They are only taking out the straight section next to my desk, not the whole L-shape.  The printer has been moved, but I haven't gotten it on the network yet, and I'm not sure what needs to be done (since just plugging it into the ethernet box didn't do it).  Anyone who would like to help setting it up is certainly welcome!


On 10/30/2009 12:30 PM, Anna B. Shin wrote:
Dear Group,

Those in Cv002/004 need to remove all items off the black counter tops next to Jacob's desk.  Everything on the L-shaped counter space needs to be moved ASAP.

Facilities will be ripping out the counters TODAY to make room for desks for Johannes, et al (we are at 22 members w/ desks + 3 undergrads w/o desks!).


Anna B. Shin
Laboratory Administrator
Aspuru-Guzik Research Group
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University
12 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

617.496.9964 office
617.694.9879 cell
617.496.9411 fax
617.495.9676 lab

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