Hello everyone,
Thanks for the welcome.  I'd like to share my Google work calendar, so you will know when I'm away from the office for an extended period.  I've also noted dates that may be helpful with planning your classes and teaching, e.g., the academic calendar, among other things.
Please reply with the email you'd like me to use for sharing my calendar.
Thanks very much and I hope to meet everyone very soon.
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 6:03 PM, Alan Aspuru-Guzik <alan@aspuru.com> wrote:
Dear Group,

As many (or most) of you noticed, Anna Shin has joined the laboratory as our full-time administrator. If you haven't please stop by her office to introduce yourself and help me welcome her to the lab.

I also want to thank Shuting for the awesome job she did with us during the summer! Shuting will be with us until September 12.



Alan Aspuru-Guzik
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
12 Oxford Street
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138

Tel: (617)384-8188
Group URL: http://aspuru.chem.harvard.edu

Aspuru-list mailing list

Anna B. Shin
Aspuru-Guzik Group Administrator
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University
12 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

617.496.9964 phone
617.496.9411 fax

Aspuru-Guzik Group URL: http://aspuru.chem.harvard.edu/