---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Joshua Schrier <jschrier@haverford.edu>
Date: Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 2:00 PM
Subject: Postdoctoral positions available in Cheminformatics/Materials Informatics

Dear Colleagues,

[[Please excuse the "spammy" nature of this email---and pass this on to interested students in your group who may be graduating this December  ]]

We're looking to hire two postdoctoral fellows in the general area of cheminformatics/materials informatics for work related to our "Dark Reactions Project" on developing data-informed tools for helping synthetic inorganic/solid-state chemists.  In this next iteration of the project, we are putting more emphasis on predicting structural outcomes and on active learning/interpretable model approaches, particular those that incorporate "humans in the loop".

The first position is funded for 3 years by the NSF and focuses on developing models for structural diversity in organically-templated metal oxides, specifically incorporating information on non-covalent interactions and crystallography data.  This position can begin immediately


(ignore the application due date, as this is a bug in our new HR software)

The second position is currently under contract negotiation with DARPA, and focuses on developing models for predicting synthetic outcomes and properties of organohalide hybrid perovskites.  (There are also robots...but that's another story.)  This is potentially a four-year project,  and we anticipate beginning the project in January 2018.   


(again, ignore the application due date, but we encourage applications as soon as possible)

These postdoctoral research positions are at a small liberal arts college, outside of Philadelphia, USA.  The postdoc will have the benefit of three advisors (Alex Norquist: a synthetic solid state chemist, Sorelle Friedler: computer scientist, and myself: a theoretical chemist).  We are all committed to mentoring postdoctoral fellows.  Although these are foremost research positions, there is the possibility for teaching opportunities, should those advance the career goals of the postdoctoral fellow.  

Our previous postdoctoral fellow, Phil Adler, published three papers during his 18 month time with us (including one that appeared on the cover of Nature), attended conferences in chemistry and computer science, and had the opportunity to teach advanced elective classes in databases and cheminformatics, before deciding to pursue a career in the software industry.

Thanks again,

Joshua Schrier
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Department Chair
Scientific Computing Coordinator 
Haverford College
Haverford, PA 19041
ph: +1 (610) 896-1388
Author: Introduction to Computational Physical Chemistry (2017)
Alán Aspuru-Guzik | Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University | 12 Oxford Street, Room M138 | Cambridge, MA 02138
(617)-384-8188 | http://aspuru.chem.harvard.edu | http://about.me/aspuru