MIT seminar Guifre vidal

Mon 2/26, 4pm in 26-214 (QIP seminar)

Guifre Vidal (University of Queensland)
Entanglement Renormalization: from Quantum Circuits to Topological Order

I will describe a renormalization group transformation for strongly correlated quantum systems in D spatial dimensions based on ideas from quantum computation and quantum information (quantum circuits, entanglement, ...). Entanglement renormalization can be used to study extended quantum systems in a symmetry breaking phase, as well as quantum phase transitions between two such phases [cond-mat/0512165, quant-ph/0610099]. Recently it has been realized that it also offers a natural framework to describe systems with topological order. I will attempt to present an overview of these results directed to a mixed audience of researchers in theoretical quantum computation/information and condensed matter.


Alan Aspuru-Guzik
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
12 Oxford Street
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138

Tel: (617)384-8188
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