Of interest to summer students!

Alan Aspuru-Guzik
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University

Forwarded message:

From: Rosalind Reid <rreid@seas.harvard.edu>
To: gaohan@seas.harvard.edu, uahengo@seas.harvard.edu, rkrishnan@seas.harvard.edu, chrisseansatterwhite@gmail.com, michael.t.bechard@enc.edu, mb833@cornell.edu, cooper.galvin@pomona.edu, john.a.keller@enc.edu, tantrev@gmail.com, Jimmy Zhu <jhz22@cornell.edu>, William Juan <william.juan@some.ox.ac.uk>, remondimi@belmonthill.org
Cc: Kathryn Hollar <hollar@seas.harvard.edu>, Pavlos Protopapas <pprotopapas@cfa.harvard.edu>, Amanda Peters Randles <apeters@fas.harvard.edu>, Hanspeter Pfister <pfister@seas.harvard.edu>, Alan Aspuru-Guzik <aspuru@chemistry.harvard.edu>, Natasha Baker <nrbaker@seas.harvard.edu>, Cris Cecka <ccecka@seas.harvard.edu>
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 12:06:53 PM
Subject: Let's talk computing!

Hello all,

I'm writing as the executive director of Harvard's Institute for Applied Computational Science. IACS is a new organization launched by SEAS. We're dedicated to building a curriculum and a community at Harvard focused on computational science and engineering.

I'd like to invite all undergraduates doing computational summer projects to some informal gatherings to talk about computing. We experimented with this a couple of summers ago, and everyone enjoyed the chance to share their summer projects with other students interested in computational approaches and also to meet mentors--grad students and postdocs from other groups. You might find a hacker in another lab who can help you with a troublesome chunk of code!

I'd like to plan three Friday lunch get-togethers, as follows:

July 6: Getting acquainted. Just a chance to go around the table and share what you're working on.

July 20: (1) Thinking about grad school and careers; a short info session on Harvard's new graduate program in computational science and engineering; (2) some short project presentations.

July 27: More short project presentations

Each confab will start at noon on Friday in Cruft Lab 403, the IACS conference room. We'll order pizza and subs and drinks. So that we can have enough food and get reminders out to you, please RSVP and let me know which dates you can attend. (Also let me know of any dietary restrictions.)

We'll send an invitation to a broader group, and you should feel free to forward it. I look forward to seeing you on the 6th!

Rosalind Reid
Executive Director, Institute for Applied Computational Science
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Pierce Hall, 29 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

rreid@seas.harvard.edu | 617-384-9091