Dear All:


The next ITAMP/B2 Winter Graduate School, scheduled for March 10-16, on the B2 campus in AZ, will be on Quantum Many-Body Systems. There's a stellar list of confirmed lecturers. The student registration will close soon, so if you are interested in attending this school, please do so in the next couple of weeks. 


The idyllic confines of the B2 campus in the Catalina mountains allow for close encounters
between students and lecturers; in the cafeteria, during the lectures, in the wide-open afternoon periods, and in the casitas' common areas. 


The school web address is:


Samantha Dakoulas

Faculty Assistant to Professors Lukin & Greiner & their groups

Department of Physics

17 Oxford St., Lyman 324A

Cambridge, MA 02138

P. (617) 496-2544