Initiative in Innovative Computing @ Harvard

Seminar Series

Wednesday, April 30, 2008; 4:00pm
60 Oxford Street, Room 330

George Church, Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School; Member of the Affiliated Faculty of the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology 

Seminar Title

DNA I/O: Computing Challenges in Reading Personal Genomes and Writing Synthetic Genomes


Recent technologies have transformed DNA into yet another digital medium for rapid input and output (I/O). Rather than asking DNA to compete with silicon-based computers--with thousands of circuits on every chip--on their own turf or vice versa, we are pursuing hybrid systems, harvesting the fruits of natural past evolution or accelerating it in the lab. As the cost of personal genomes drops, how will we accurately obtain and interpret 6 billion base pairs each for 6 billion people?

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