Dear all,

Professor Stanton from the University of Florida (, will give a seminar today at MIT, 4:15 pm, you can find the abstract below.


When: 4:15 Wednesday, May 23rd.
Where:  MIT building four room 4-163

My Longterm Relationship with a Difficult Molecule

John F. Stanton

This talk reviews the spectroscopy of the NO3 radical, which is both fascinating for theoreticians as well as an important player in the environment. In particular, the quest to fully understand the spectroscopy of NO3 – which has not yet been achieved – has been a “hobby” of mine for essentially the entirety of my scientific career. I will attempt to present a brief history of the science done on this molecule since 1881 as a contextual frame for my own theoretical efforts to understand its spectra and electronic states. The journey starts during my graduate school days, when I was naive and knew nothing. It continues through current times. While I still don’t know very much, I have learned a lot along the way that I will share with you.