Should be an interesting seminar!

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From: Janice L Balzer <>
Subject: [OQE] OQE Seminar: Prof. Jens Koch, Northwestern University - Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 11:00 AM, Haus Room, 36-428
Date: March 2, 2017 at 5:03:39 PM EST
To: oqe <>


Professor Jens Koch
Northwestern University
Seminar: Parametric modulation and sidebands in circuit QED – from red to blue, and on to “purple”
Wednesday,  March 8, 2017
11:00 AM
Haus Room, 36-428
Hosted by Dirk Englund
Abstract: Superconducting circuits rank among the top contestants in the pursuit of scalable quantum information processing. Indeed, remarkable advances in quantum engineering of circuit QED systems have led to an increase in coherence times of 5 orders or magnitudes in these Josephson junction based devices. At the same time, exquisite control via microwaves has enabled the demonstration of high-fidelity 1- and 2-qubit gates now approaching the quantum error correction threshold. I will review how quantum mechanics manifests in these circuits, enabling exciting studies in quantum optics and quantum information processing. The talk’s main part will focus on our recent theory work investigating parametric modulation and sideband physics in these systems – where simultaneously driving of red and blue sidebands may allow for stabilization of qubit states along any desired axis of the Bloch sphere.
Jens Koch is an Associate Professor of Physics at Northwestern University. His research focuses on superconducting qubits and circuit QED for quantum simulation and quantum computation. He received his Ph.D. from Freie Universitat Berlin in 2006 under supervision of Felix von Oppen. In 2006, he received a Yale Postdoctoral Prize Fellowship and worked as a Postdoctoral Associate in Steven Girvin’s group before moving to Northwestern University in 2010.


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