Dear group members,

Our common hard disk on Odyssey is running full once again and was already at 100% capacity last night. Just to be perfectly clear what that means:

All calculations started on Odyssey would crash or fail to transmit data back to the submit directory!

I've moved few GB of my data and we are currently at merely 99% usage but this is obviously only a temporary relief. I would like to ask everyone invested in calculations on Odyssey to pitch in and to (temporarily) move some of their data from past calculations to their local desktop computers.

Useful tip:
du -sh command run in a given directory shows the aggregated usage of all its subdirectories in human-readable format

Also, we should perhaps discuss an archiving solution for the (considerable) amount of data from the members of the group who have already left.


Dr. Dmitrij Rappoport
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University
12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
phone: (617) 496 8221, mobile (857) 600 6846