Marlon G. Cummings
Lab Manager, Aspuru-Guzik Group
Mallinckrodt M136
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University
12 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
617-496-9411 (fax)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anderson, Barbara <>
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 2:45 PM
Subject: [CCB_Staff] FW: Free Ice Cream and New Lab Freezer Challenge
To: "" <>

Please forward to your lab as you see fit.






This Thursday, September 22nd the Green Labs Program has an afternoon of events lined up for FAS.  There will be a Lab Freecycle from 12-2pm in the Biolabs Courtyard, followed by free ice cream starting at 3pm to kick off the Harvard Freezer Challenge.  If you have useful lab supplies or equipment you would like to donate, please bring it by between 9am and 12pm that day.  We have a TON of lab glassware and equipment, as well as pipettes and consumables.


Starting at 3pm there will be an ice cream truck parked in front of the Peabody Museum.  Stop by and ask about the Freezer Challenge and get a free ice cream of your choice!  Sign your lab up for the Challenge and enter the raffle for a free box of lab supplies, courtesy of VWR. 


Did you know that by setting your -80°C freezer to -70°C, you can save energy and reduce the risk of freezer failure?  Several universities and researching institutions, (including the CDC and NIH), are setting their freezers to -70°C for just this reason.  So far at FAS we have six freezers set to -70°C for energy conservation, which is already saving over $1,000 and 2.7 metric tons of greenhouse gases annually.  The goal is to get 50% of FAS ultra-low freezers set to -70°C or warmer in the next two years!  A big thank you goes out to the Murray Lab in OEB, and the Nocera Lab in CCB, for being the first to set their freezers to -70°C or warmer.


Please mark your calendars for Thursday the 22nd, and share with your groups!  Questions?  Email


Thank you!



Quentin Gilly
Senior Coordinator, FAS Green Program

Harvard University / Office for Sustainability
Phone: (317) 446-8588/ Email:



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