Sorry for keep sending papers to the group; this one definitely sounds interesting to many of us, and these guys are big names in the quantum information community.


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A critical view on transport and entanglement in models of photosynthesis. (arXiv:1104.3883v1 [quant-ph])

via quant-ph updates on on 4/20/11

Authors: Markus Tiersch, Sandu Popescu, Hans J. Briegel

Quantum effects in biological light-harvesting molecules, such as quantum coherence of excitonic states and entanglement have recently gained much attention. We observe a certain discrepancy between the original experimental work and several theoretical treatments of coherent excitation transport in light-harvesting molecules. Contrary to what is generally stated, we argue that entanglement in such molecules is generally not equivalent to the presence of coherence but mostly introduced by initial assumptions underlying the models, and that entanglement, as opposite to coherence, seems to play no role in the transport efficiency.


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