---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: T. Daniel Crawford <crawdad@vt.edu>
Date: Friday, June 26, 2015
Subject: PHYS Executive Committee Meeting and Dinner in Boston, August 16 @ 5:30pm
To: Angela Wilson <akwilson@unt.edu>, Ralf Kaiser <ralfk@hawaii.edu>, Arthur Suits <asuits@chem.wayne.edu>, Greg Engel <gsengel@uchicago.edu>, Kimberly Hamad-Schifferli <schiffer@mit.edu>, Reggie Hudson <reggie.hudson@nasa.gov>, Ellen Stechel <ellen.stechel@asu.edu>, Guofeng Wang <guw8@pitt.edu>, Berend Smit <Berend-Smit@berkeley.edu>, Roseanne Sension <rsension@umich.edu>, Stacy Bent <sbent@stanford.edu>, Teresa Head-Gordon <thg@berkeley.edu>, Joan-Emma Shea <shea@chem.ucsb.edu>, Michael Duncan <maduncan@uga.edu>, Ned Sibert <sibert@chem.wisc.edu>, Nancy Levinger <nancy.levinger@colostate.edu>, Theresa Windus <twindus@iastate.edu>, Rob Walker <rawalker@chemistry.montana.edu>, Heather Allen <allen.697@osu.edu>, Lauren Webb <lwebb@cm.utexas.edu>, Qiang Cui <cui@chem.wisc.edu>, Anna Krylov <krylov@usc.edu>, Linda Peteanu <peteanu@cmu.edu>, David Nesbitt <djn@jila.colorado.edu>, Joel Bowman <jmbowma@emory.edu>, Alan Aspuru-Guzik <alan@aspuru.com>, Yue Qi <yueqi@egr.msu.edu>, Stephen Harris <harris.steveharris@gmail.com>, Jan Steckel <steckel@netl.doe.gov>, Martin Head-Gordon <mhg@bastille.cchem.berkeley.edu>, Kirk Peterson <kipeters@wsu.edu>, Franz Geiger <geigerf@chem.northwestern.edu>, Steven Corcelli <scorcell@nd.edu>, "Timothy J. Lee" <Timothy.J.Lee@nasa.gov>, Laura Gagliardi <gagliardi@umn.edu>, Steven Wheeler <wheeler@chem.tamu.edu>
Cc: "Good, Laurie" <laurieg@vt.edu>

Dear Members of the PHYS Executive Committee:
The purpose of this email is to provide you with information regarding PHYS activities at the upcoming Boston ACS meeting, August 16-20, so that you may finalize your travel plans:

(1) Technical Symposia:  All PHYS sessions will be held at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (http://massconvention.com/about-us/contact-us/boston-convention-exhibition-center).
(2) Executive Committee Meeting: The meeting will start promptly at 5:30 pm on Sunday, August 16th, in Room 102A of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.  Dinner will follow at approximately 8:00 pm on the outdoor patio of The Daily Catch (http://thedailycatch.com), which is about 15 minutes’ walk from the meeting.   Please let my assistant, Laurie Good (acspchem@vt.edu), know if you plan to attend the dinner by August 4th so we can provide accurate numbers.   Please also indicate if you’d prefer a vegetarian option.
A map identifying locations relevant to PHYS activities in Boston can be found here:  https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zTkwdvXk-2ZE.kWi7mxj_vojU&usp=sharing
(3) Meeting Agenda:  A few days before the meeting I will send relevant materials for your consideration, including the full agenda and minutes from the Denver meeting last spring.
(4) Symposia Suggestions: If you have suggestions for symposia (and organizers) that you would like to be considered for future national meetings, please bring them to Boston or communicate with the 2017 Program Chair, Joan Shea.  
Thank you all for your service to the PHYS division.  I look forward to seeing you in Boston on Sunday, August 16th.
Best regards,
P.S. My cell phone number is 540-449-3365 and Laurie's is 540-808-7315, in case you need to contact one of us.

Prof. T. Daniel Crawford
Secretary/Treasurer ACS Physical Chemistry Division

Alán Aspuru-Guzik | Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University | 12 Oxford Street, Room M113 | Cambridge, MA 02138
(617)-384-8188 | http://aspuru.chem.harvard.edu | http://about.me/aspuru