Dear group,

Recently, I have been swamped with complicated appointment requests by many of you. About a year ago, I had sent you the actual procedure for making an appointment and making life easier for all of us, which is using Google Calendar and requesting the appointment by inviting Then either Anna or Sarah will either accept the invitation or move it to another time. Please follow that procedure. If not, I can easily spend up to half an hour a day looking at the calendar and trying to figure out when to meet you. Things get quite acute when I am in travel and have limited connectivity and have to deal with 3-4 appointment requests in which neither the Google Calendar method is used, or aspuru.asistant is not copied.

I am exploring a new tool called Timebridge that might be the solution we all need, but I have to look into it more.

If you have questions, ask a peer first, and if not Sarah or Anna on how to do all this.

Thank you for helping me speed up the appointment process,

Alán Aspuru-Guzik | Assistant Professor
Harvard University | Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
12 Oxford Street, Room M113 | Cambridge, MA 02138
(617)-384-8188 |