---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Martin Fraas <fraas@vt.edu>
Date: Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 10:26 AM
Subject: Mathematical Physics at the Crossings conference May 20-24
To: Alexander Elgart <aelgart@vt.edu>

Dear Colleagues,

We are organizing a conference "Mathematical Physics at the Crossings", celebrating George Hagedorn's 65th birthday, that will take place May 20-24 at Virginia Tech. The conference web page is


The focus of the meeting is on adiabatic approximation, many-body localization, molecular dynamics, and periodically driven quantum systems. 

We want to, in particular, advertise that we have NSF funds to support young U.S. based mathematicians (undergraduate, graduate, postdocs and non-tenured faculty) to attend the conference. Details about the registration and application procedure for a fellowship are on the conference web page. Also, if you know some other suitable candidates please let them know. 

We would be delighted to see you in Blacksburg!

Best regards,
Alex and Martin
