HQOC/ITAMP Joint Quantum Sciences Seminar

Wednesday, March 22, 2017
4:00 PM, Jefferson 250

Prof. Randall Hulet, Rice University

“Pairing of Spin Polarized Fermi Gases”


Ultracold atomic gases are versatile platforms for realizing novel many-body states of matter by virtue of the ability to tune parameters such as interaction, density, dimensionality, and spin-polarization. I will describe experiments that have produced phase diagrams of spin-polarized Fermi gasses in 1D, 3D, and in the 1D-3D dimensional crossover. I will conclude with our progress to create the holy grail of this research, which is the observation of the “elusive” FFLO superfluid state, a state that exhibits coexisting magnetic and superconducting order. 


Dr. Rivka Bekenstein, ITAMP

"Optical Simulations of the Newton-Schrodinger System"



Postdoc Presentation from 4:00-4:10 PM

Refreshments Served from 4:10-4:30 PM

Guest Presentation from 4:30-6:00 PM



Clare Ploucha

Faculty Assistant to Professors Lukin & Greiner and their labs

Department of Physics

17 Oxford St., Lyman 324A

Cambridge, MA 02138

P. (617) 496-2544