Dear Group,
Just a reminder that Man Hong will be visiting this Friday.  He will present his research at group meeting at 2pm in the Div Rm (the room is occupied until 2pm).
We will finalize the Spring term group meeting time after our 4 undergrads finalize their class schedules which will be late next week.  As of now, it looks like Thursdays at 2:30pm will work.
Graduate students: please remember that Study Card Day is Wed 4 Feb.  After that, the Registrar will charge a late fee.  I can sign on behalf of Alan for his Chem 386 research course.  If you have specific questions about classes, please see Carol and/or Alan.

Anna B. Shin
Aspuru-Guzik Group Administrator
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University
12 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

617.496.9964 phone
617.496.9411 fax

Aspuru-Guzik Group URL: