Alán has secured a windows 7 32-bit virtual machine with all your favorite packages: Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office and more!
To get it you have to get the virtual machine fittingly called Plexciton.

Below are the instructions:
1) Get virtualbox in your machine. If you are using ubuntu or a debian-based system, simply type 
 sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose virtualbox-ose-dkms

2) Get the plexciton by your favorite scp/ftp method:
 scp .

2a) password: Windows4ever

3) Run virtualbox in your machine. If installed properly you should just type virtualbox (or go to Applications-> Accesories -> Virtualbox OSE).  Note: In one test, virtualbox asked me to run sudo modprobe vboxdrv, so you may have to do this to.

4) On the virtualbox GUI, go to File->Virtual Media Manager and on the Hard Disks tab, press the add button. Look for the plexciton and close the window.

5) On the virtualbox GUI, click on new
 5a) On os-type, look for Windows 7 
 5b) Keep the base memory size
 5c) On the next window look for an existing hard disk
Then, you're almost done. Try running it and let me know if there are any problems.